Apartment Hunting 101: Tips for Finding the Ideal Rental

Apartment Hunting 101: Tips for Finding the Ideal Rental

Looking to get houses for rent? Patience is going to be key. The US is currently going through a massive housing crisis, with a deficiency of at least 7 million homes.

Still, the hunt for your perfect place goes on. With few options to choose from, even fewer are going to meet your requirements. What are some rental search tips you should keep in mind to make the process easier?

There are a handful of apartment-finding tips that go beyond the obvious of finding a good price. Follow us as we take a look at rental property tips for first-timers and seasoned veterans in Columbia, MD.

Look for Houses for Rent With Good Security

Every year, there are approximately 1 million home burglaries in the US. When looking for the cheapest place available, security is often the first casualty. Some good rental market advice is to prioritize security over the other things on your checklist.

Preferably, find a gated community so you can keep out the riffraff. Look for places with an active neighborhood watch, or other HOA measures to keep order and peace.

Burglaries don't just make it hard to sleep at night, they affect the value of your investment property. A place that experiences more crime tends to have a lower average value. Especially once the word gets out and people begin to associate a certain neighborhood with a certain thing.

Don't Overlook Fixer-Uppers

When a house is in disrepair, it's easy to skip it over for something else. But don't turn down an option so quickly just because it needs a new coat of paint. Try to see the potential hidden in a fixer-upper home.

Make no mistake, it will take a lot of money and elbow grease to bring it up to your standards. However, that labor may drastically increase the property value. More importantly, it may allow you to build a home that's in alignment with your requirements and rental goals.

Get a Feel for the Area

There is so much that goes into choosing the right location. It's more than just being in a centralized location near the freeway and the grocery store.

First, visit the place in person and pay close attention to all the little details. Is there a lot of noise coming through thin walls from the neighbors? That's a problem that can only be fixed by ripping out the insulation to install more.

Take note of what ambient noise levels are like, and if the place gets a good breeze. Pay attention to whether or not the sun shines right through the windows, morning or afternoon. You get the idea.

It's these small things that will build into later property management strategies.

Get Your House Market Ready With PMI Mason Dixon

Finding houses for rent in this market is hard, especially those that meet your standards. When searching, it's a good idea to prioritize security above other checklist items. Don't be quick to discount fixer-uppers and make sure you get a good feel for the area before signing.

PMI Mason Dixon in Columbia, MD handles every aspect of your portfolio with expert care. We have countless happy customers, and our years of experience prove we can do you right. Get started with our free rental analysis today.
